The story behind Sa'wae

The story behind Sa'wae

Sa'wae was founded by Daniël G. Tasidjawa, back in 2022.

The name originates from my Moluccan background and is a combination of my last names, inspired by my father. The first two letters, "sa-", represent the names Sarkol and Halatu (father), the "wa-" stands for the last three letters of Tasidjawa and Tupanwael (mother), and the last letter "-e" from the name  (grandmother).

Besides being a combination of my last names, the name also holds significance derived from Moluccan culture. By splitting the name in half, it forms the words Sawa (rice field) and Wae (water). This symbolism represents mutual support, embodying the concept of 'Lain bantu lain'—one helping the other.


At Sa'wae, we believe everyone should be free to express who they are. Our clothes are more than just fashion – they're a way to tell the amazing stories and show off the vibrant cultures of Moluccan and Papuan people.

We pay special attention to every design, making sure it's not just something you wear, but something that tells a story. Our goal is to capture the lively identities of different cultures in every piece of clothing.

We're not just about fashion; we're here to celebrate differences and honor the spirit of Moluccan and Papuan communities.

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